Friday, May 9, 2014

Conversations on Collaboration

Our colleagues at SMART Technologies recently invited collaboration leaders from around the world to meet in New York to share best practices, insights, challenges and innovations in collaboration.

These leaders were asked to answer one question for us: “What is TRUE Collaboration?”

Dr. Renate Fruchter from Stanford “Collaboration is actually focused on co-creation...and the root of the word collaboration is labor.”

What does true collaboration mean to you? Are you communicating or are you collaborating? Watch the video "What is TRUE Collaboration" below:

Here at CCS we've embraced video collaboration and have advised our diverse client base on the right choices for 21st century collaboration tools. CCS is here to help you engage in those conversations about your company and choose the technology to help you collaborate most effectively.  Contact us at or at 888-454-4489 to speak to a Cloud VTC Specialist today!